Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our Isagenix Journey

Week 3 Report

It's the end of week 3 and we're right into the swing of things now with the Isagenix regime being very much a part of our daily life. It's amazing how results drive behaviour and we continue to surprise ourselves at the ease with which we have re calibrated our nutritional intake. No longer do I face the day with a cup of tepid coffee and a rushed - or often - no breakfast leaving me starving by mid-morning when the hunt is on for errant Tim-Bits, left-over cake or a toasted bagel with jam from the coffee-truck!! Nice........

Instead it's a vanilla protein shake with fresh strawberries enjoyed with a natural metabolism accelerator that gets me through the morning with ease. Then a chocolate shake at lunch with fresh blueberries and perhaps a few raw carrots or celery at 3.00 pm - a time when most of us are looking for a place to lie down! That feeling has completely disappeared to be replaced by a steady and constant energy level that continues right through the afternoon and into the evening.

It's difficult to put my finger on it but the more I experience the beneficial effects of this Isagenix program the more I'm convinced that the weight loss piece is a hugely positive side-effect of a bigger canvas which is an incredibly powerful and holistic renewal of both my mental and physical being. I know it sounds a little extreme but there is no other way to explain it and I am constantly aware of how much better I feel in my own skin. (which incidentally is also looking healthier).

I may have mentioned in an earlier posting that I have just entered my sixth decade where the prevailing thinking is that quick fixes in the physical and mental areas are much harder, if not impossible to come by. Well no longer do I subscribe to that line of thinking as this program has completely revitalized me in only three weeks. And I would expect these results to be universal, irrespective of age, gender or outlook.

As usual I shall conclude with the results of our third weigh-in and measurement check as follows:

Starting weight: - 195.2 lbs.
3rd. weigh-in: - 183.6 lbs.
Net loss to date: - 11.6 lbs.

Starting measurements: - 363.5 inches
3rd. week measure-in: - 353.5 inches
Net loss to date: - 10.0 inches

The curious but satisfying thing about the measurement track is that while I've lost the most around my waist and abdomen, I've actually gained girth around my calves due to running and cycling - and probably some muscle too.

I'm not sure how many people are following this blog but if you are and you have a question or comment please contact me at and I'll get right back to you.

Be well,

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